Alien Body Rolls Out

Alien Body, First in the Phane series of psychological sci-fi from, launches September 1, 2019.  This series focuses on the perplexity of embodiment.

Who hasn’t wondered what it would be like to be a dog or a bird? And what does it mean for us to live “inside” a biological piece of meat? What if we didn’t? What if the body were non-human?

Alien Body explores some of these questions in a “first-contact” novel, because sometimes it takes an alien to show us what we are.

Here’s the blurb for the book:

In Alien Body (sci-fi, 80,000 words), Physician Dave Booker is shocked to discover an alien living in his summer cabin. Phane, the alien, is an anthropologist from another star system. His shuttlecraft has crashed, and he must regain it before the mothership gives him up for dead. But Dave is dumbfounded by the alien’s appearance, a large, green tennis ball with two eyes on tentacles above his head. What would it be like to have a body like that? Does one’s body determine how we think about the world, as the visitor claims?

Dave’s ambitious boss captures Phane but he escapes. In a wild chase, Phane flees determined pursuers including the military, but it’s not easy for a talking green tennis ball to hide. Dave realizes that Phane has much to teach humanity, but can he find his alien friend first and help him?

Five Stars! Readers

I was hooked from the beginning and invested in the story. …simply too amazing to forget. Brilliantly engaging and entertaining. — reviewer


Phane’s presentation as a little green man, shaped like a tennis ball when resting and a pretty close cousin to Vonnegut’s Tralfamadorians when awake, is one of the most likable aliens I’ve ever encountered. In many ways his humanity exceeds our own species. I hope this book finds a wide audience because in addition to the deep thoughts underlying it, it’s a ripping good yarn! – Stephen Russell, “Himalayas of Literature Course Creator at

The plot takes a simple concept and slowly branches it out into an epic tale. It’s lovingly paced with sensible twists that truly make readers think. The tone is delightfully thoughtful, light, and playful–even when things get dark. It makes the entire novel very readable and hard to put down. While the core concept is quite simple, the truly original risks the story takes are unexpected and enterprising… the overall character development is stellar. Each character has a distinct voice and perspective, and they are uncompromisingly themselves as they interact with the rest of their universe. — Critic’s Report, The BookLife Prize.

Available as an ebook on Kindle and Smashwords and in paperback on Amazon:

Ebook – Smashwords ISBN-  978-1-7322274-9-1 (Epub)

Ebook –  Kindle:  ISBN-   978-1-7338927-0-4 (Mobi)            
Paperback – KDP:   ISBN-  978-1-7338927-2-8 (paper)